Psilocybin Mushroom Dosage Guidelines
Often when it come to psychedelics and mushrooms in particular, enjoyers can be unsure of where to start when it comes to dosage for their journey. It’s important to note every individual is their own being, and the information presented here can only serve as guide. It’s most important to look inward before any psychedelic trip to reflect and evaluate where you want to be, what you want to experience and how you want to take the journey.
The three most important considerations when taking any psychedelic’s is Drug (Dose), Set (Headset), and Setting. Originally conceptualized by Al Hubbard after observing mushroom ceremonies in Mexico during the 1950’s and 60’s these three guides can be helpful in ensuring and maintaining a positive experience on psychedelics. By breaking down what those mean for you in relation towards mushrooms as well as Dr. Delic products we hope to make your experiences elevated, euphoric and enlightening.
Micro Vs Macro
A microdose is one that should be considered as “background” in effect. The intention is to not consciously feel and experience the mushrooms, like you would expect during “a trip”. For single or infrequent micro dosing, using a scale for measurement, consider .1g (100 mg) to .3g (300mg) to be a reasonable amount for the desired effect. Due to the way tryptamines work, if you want to regularly micro dose, say daily, it is conceivable to be taking up to .5g (500 mg) in a 24hr period. It’s recommended to begin with smaller dosages like .1g to .3g and work up to a maximum of .5g for a microdose. There are many possible benefits to microdosing like neuroplasticity, creativity and mood lifting. Always take it low and slow, reflecting on what works best for you individually.
A Macro dose on the other hand, is considered a dose that would be present and noticeable in experience. This is anecdotally what we’ve all come to know and consider as “tripping”. This can be an incredibly powerful experience – you are opening your conscious, spirit, ego and self-identity to a journey that is incredibly unique, personal and often hard to put into words. The experience can be often enlightening with proper considerations – it can also just be a damn fun time too. It’s up to you to understand that you often create the journey for yourself with intention, surroundings, headspace, and situation – always be aware of yourself in this regard going into a macrodose.
With all this in mind, a macros dose would be considered any amount of mushrooms from .5g (500mg) to 4g (4000mg). Beyond 4g is what would be considered a “heroic dose and is recommended for experienced and wise Psychonauts (think psychedelic astronauts – takes responsibility and prepares accordingly.
Dr. P. Delic products are catered to be somewhere between these two concepts for what we like to call a Microburst. We have found that the sweet spot for most people is about 1-3 capsules for something you feel while not being overwhelmingly disorientating. The best way to ensure an evenly distributed amount of psychoactive compounds present in psilocybin mushrooms is through grinding and mixing the raw mushrooms. This prevents “hot spots” from being consumed that can lead to vastly different experiences even from the same batch of mushrooms. Of course, strains can differ wildly in potency but that’s where we recommend everyone start when trying new one!
As mentioned earlier tryptamines will not hit as hard with repetitive use. so, but we understand that there may be times when you are looking for a multiday journey. Understand yourself first, but also appreciate that with repetitive use, it may require increased dosage to get to the same “place”. Back-to-back trips can require you to double the days previous dosage. This effect is also beneficial to microdosers who can simply take the same dose daily for possible health benefits while nullifying a lot of the psychoactive components.
If several days are taken in between dosages, say 3-5 days off you should not have to consider increasing dosage to have similar effects. Always take it low and slow to start with, a lower dosage for familiarity will help you gauge yourself and often lead to a more positive and less overwhelming experience.
Understanding the power of manifestation and how your personal vibes can effect your experience is important. Consider setting an intention before consuming, even something simple and positive like having a good time can be monumentous later. It’s also important to realize that if you have entered into a negative space It doesn’t mean you need to spiral and stay there. Focusing on your breathing or changing your setting can do wonders for your experience.
Using Psychedelics is not a short experience! Even with microdoses, the active ingredients are working for a prolonged period of time. It is safe to assume a minimum of 5 – 6 hours of activity. This scales up with an increase in dosage. Macro doses may be in effect for a minimum of that same time all the way to 12 hours. Expect that if dosage increased, so does time commitment understanding whether you have the time to embarking on a journey or not can be helpful in preventing anxiety you might feel about time-based commitments.
Generally having an idea of a place where you will be able to sleep, relax or find some comfort is good idea, think “Home Base”. Remember to hydrate, have some snacks on hand, and always carry a flashlight. Having an album or playlist you want to listen too or perhaps a silly movie is always fun. Maybe access to a known trail through the forest or nature can also be good as moving through nature can be very calming while having an experience. If you are intending on having a creative experience, try organizing and gathering paints, flow props, writing utensils, etc before dosing. Also consider who you might be interacting with if taking higher doses and will you be comfortable letting your guard down amongst them.
General Advice
Sometimes it’s nice to have a sober person with you who can act as a “sitter” of sorts. This person is open to supporting your efforts, there to care and be present when needed, but also let “you go there” when all’s right and the magic is moving. This person can should ultimately be someone you trust and who has genuine care for your well-being.
Tripping and Journeying can be INTENSE! It can be overwhelming, it can be exciting, joyous, wonderous and enlightening! It also can be scary or uncertain at times, you may be overwhelmed by emotions you were not expecting, be cognizant of that possibility and use the outlined considerations to set yourself up for success for a positive experience. Always know that no matter what – THE EXPERIENCE WILL PASS EVENTUALLY AND YOU ARE SAFE. Having the right head space, setting, trip sitter or friends (journeying with you or not) can be crucial to avoiding what is called a “bad trip”.
Medications and SSRI’s
First off, we strongly discourage anyone from stopping their dosage of prescribed medications to experience mushrooms. People on these types of medications often have trouble feeling the effects of mushrooms at all as the psychoactive components of mushrooms are trying to the throw your brain into a chemical imbalance while the medication is actively preventing an imbalance from taking place. Some users say that by increasing the dosage of mushrooms they can essentially overpower the medication, but we cannot in good faith recommend that to anyone. It’ can lead to a rather overpowering experience for people as it hard for them to judge what their personal correct dosage may be.
Mixing Substances
This may seem counter intuitive to more experienced psychonauts but try to avoid mixing additional psychoactive substances into your headspace during a trip. Most notable is alcohol and / or cannabis. Both can drastically change your mentality and headspace, thus altering your journey, and should be avoided during initial experimentations until you truly understand the journey you’re signing yourself up for through personal experience. Cannabis can increase your anxiety levels and paranoia due to chemicals within it that amplify these feelings. As you are already altering your headspace significantly, we don’t recommend combining the two (especially if you are trying to decrease your anxiety). Keep it simple, water – calm breathing – nature – aversion to claustrophobia – these are the focus points should an experience get intense. Always remember, the journey will end with time, and you’ll be back to ground level.
Additional Reading
With all this in mind, we hope you enjoy yourself, expand your mind and experience enlightened planes. The Delic wants positivity for all, one journey at a time.